aspetti etici e legali della fotografia naturalistica, disturbo, conservazione biodiversità, ecoturismo fotografico, capanni a pagamento, conservation photography, fotografia applicata alla conservazione, leggi fotografia naturalistica,





Aspetti etici e legali della fotografia naturalistica: bibliografia


Consulta anche la biblioteca digitale sull'etica e aspetti legali della fotografia naturalistica


Abhat, D. and K. Unger. 2010. Managing wildlife in shades of gray: Threats to the pillars of the North American Model. The Wildlife Professional 4(3):58-63.

Aiken, R. 2010. Trends in fishing and hunting 1991 – 2006: A focus on fishing and hunting by species. U.S Fish and Wildlife Service Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program Report 2006-8.

Aiken, R. 2009. Wildlife watching trends: 1991-2006 A reference report. U.S Fish and Wildlife Service Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program Report 2006-3.

Bennet A. K., Zuelke F. E. 1999. The effects of recreation on birds: a literature review. Delaware Natural Heritage Program. Division of Fish & Wildlife.

Booth, R. 2010. “Wildlife Photographer of the Year Stripped of His Award.” The Guardian on the Web. 20 Jan 2010. UK news.

Borrie, B. 1999. Disneyland and Disney World: Constructing the environment, designing the visitor experience. Society and Leisure 22(1).

Borrie, B. et al. 2002. Public purpose recreation marketing: A focus on the relationships between the public and public lands. Journal of Park and Recreation Management 20(2).

Carwardine, M. 2010. Ethics in Wildlife Photography: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. BBC Wildlife Magazine 28(5).

Cline, R., Sexton, N., and Stewart, S.C., 2007, A human-dimensions review of human-wildlife disturbance: a literature review of impacts, frameworks, and management solutions: U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 2007-1111, 88 p.

Cordell, H. 2008. The Latest Trends in Nature-based Outdoor Recreation. Forest History Today 15(1).

Freimund, W. and B. Borrie. 1998. Wilderness @ Internet: Wilderness in the 21st century – Are there technical solutions to our technical problems? The International Journal of Wilderness 3(4).

Geist, V., S. Mahoney, and J. Organ. 2001. Why hunting has defined the North American model of wildlife conservation. Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference. 66:175-185.

Larsen K, Kahlert J, Frikke J. 2005; Factors affecting escape distances of staging waterbirds. Wildlife Biology 11: 13-19

Mahoney, S. and D. Cobb. 2010. Future challenges to the Model: Why collapse is possible and alteration inevitable. The Wildlife Professional 4(3):83-85.

Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks. 2011. Big Sky photographer convicted of illegal bighorn sheep feeding [Press Release]. Available from newsReleases/enforcement/nr_0069.html. Accessed 13 Mar 2011.

National Wildlife Refuge Association. 2009. Altered and Misrepresented Refuge Photo Contest Images Withdrawn [Press release].Available from new-pdf-files/Press%20Releases/2009Contest_Fraud_Release.pdf. Accessed 25 Feb 2011.

Patra, S. 2010. Ethics in Nature Photography [Blog post]. Available from diary/ethics-in-nature-photography. Accessed 25 Feb 2011.

Reed, S. E. and A. M. Merenlender. 2008. Quiet, Non-Consumptive Recreation Reduces Protected Area Effectiveness. Conservation Letters 1(3):146-154.

Regan, R. 2010. Priceless, but not free: Why all nature lovers should contribute to conservation. The Wildlife Professional 4(3):39-41.

Tershy, B.R, Breese, D., and Croll, D.A. 1997. Environmental Conservation 24 (3): 261–270.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2006. Wildlife Photography. Part 605 FW 5 in U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The Fish and Wildlife Service Manual.

WildPhotos. 2010. Photographic Deceit: How far is a step too far? Audience survey results. Available from Accessed 27 Feb 2011.

Williams, T. 2010. Picture Perfect. Audubon Magazine 124(2).


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